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Here you will find all of our latests audio podcasts for your listening enjoyment. Some are mixes and some are interviews so be sure to check them all out!

Bardo:Basho (Seattle) Read the interview we did with her here.

Femmecult-010-Bardo:Basho-liveset by Femmecult on Mixcloud

Experimental Housewife (Berlin)

Femmecult-009-ExperimentalHousewife by Femmecult on Mixcloud

Cherushii (San Francisco)

Femmecult-008-ChelseaFaith-Cherushii-Interview by Femmecult on Mixcloud

Rubidium (Oakland)

Femmecult-007-Rubidium by Femmecult on Mixcloud

Coco Madrid (Portland)

Femmecult 006 Coco Madrid by Femmecult on Mixcloud

Amandroid (N. California)

Femmecult005 Amandroid Serving Fresh Beat Juice by Femmecult on Mixcloud

Li-Z (Rotterdam)

Li-z Femmecult Podcast 004 by Femmecult on Mixcloud